1.2 Hot ‘n Cold

Hello and welcome back to the Dracula Legacy! It’s been ages since I’ve posted anything, but I’m back now! Anyways, last time Conrad got involved with both Alice Martin and Lilith Pleasant, he managed to get both of them knocked up on Love Day, so both girls moved in and married Conrad. In addition Lilith won the lottery while I was playing another family, so they’re currently loaded!

We start off with Lilith judging the chairs.

She hates them apparently… At least they have plenty of money to replace them.

Conrad and Alice seem to be busy ignoring Lilith’s tantrum, which Lilith doesn’t seem too happy about.

With all the funds the Dracula’s now have, the kitchen gets a little makeover.

Lilith has only three classes left, so I had her enroll in all of them.

She gets started on coursework while Conrad spends time with the real love of his life.

They even manage to become companions!

Alice seems to be happy enough just having her easel.

Conrad and Toonces continue to have the best relationship in this house.


He’s got two pregnant wives, and it seems he wants to add a third… He’s well on his way to his own harem.

While Alice and Lilith sleep, Conrad invites over the other Lilith.

Conrad: “You know I’ve been with humans, but your beauty eclipses them all.”

It doesn’t take long for their romance to progress.

Lilith and Alice sleep blissfully unaware of Conrad woohooing another woman (let alone one also named Lilith).

Happy with his life, Conrad does some fishing.

Lilith wakes up and finds another woman in her house.
Red Haired Lilith: “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?”
Black Haired Lilith: “None of your business, what are you doing here!?”


It doesn’t take long for the two Lilith’s to hate each other.

Having succeed in throwing the intruder out of her house, Lilith works on her class presentation.

While Conrad continues to spend the daylight hours playing with Toonces. (Still the most functional relationship in the house)

It doesn’t keep B-H Lilith away though, she soon shows up and gets Conrad to be her boyfriend.

He’s says an enthusiastic yes.

He needs to fish in a few different locations, so after sunset he takes a trip to Oasis Springs.

Where he decides that he doesn’t actually want to be with B-H Lilith anymore.

He invites her over to break the news.
Lilith: “I thought I meant something to you!”

I decided I want to do some kind of portraits of everyone in the family (for each legacy, not just the Dracula’s), I don’t like how the painted portraits look in the Sims 4, and after some experimenting I decided to take photos of each family member, I’m not yet sure which one of Conrad’s I’m going to go with yet.

I’ll get photo’s of Alice and Lilith once they’re no longer pregnant.


Conrad is out doing some more fishing when I get a notification…

Alice is in labour!

She has a daughter who is named Carina.

Shortly afterwards, it’s time for Lilith to have her baby too.

She has a son, Corvus.

Conrad soon gets home and meets his new children.

Now that they’re no longer pregnant, Alice and Lilith get their portraits done!

Conrad is still working on the Vampire Lore skill…

But not anymore, he’s maxed it!

I mentioned earlier that non-heir vampires will be cured of their vampirism, and now that Conrad knows the cure I know what ingredients the family needs to grown, so I added an extension for the plants.

Conrad may have plenty of plasma packs, but he still likes to drink from random unsuspecting passerby’s.

Conrad still has fishing to work on, so when the sun goes down, he goes out.

Soon enough it’s birthday time! This is Carina, she’s Cautious.

And this is Corvus, he’s Intense. Unfortunately, both of these kids are human, which means they can’t be heir.

I may regret this later, but Alice and Lilith get pregnant again right away (it took like 3 tries to get Alice pregnant this time).

With two infants in the house, Conrad is taking a break from his fishing pursuits.

At the time that I played this, I didn’t yet have Growing Together (it will show up in 1.3 though), so the infants are pretty mobile.

I may not have had Growing Together at this point, but I swear that infants still have some form of quirks. I once had an infant that refused to be bottle or breastfeed, the kid would only eat food out of the highchair.

Despite being the Intense one, Corvus is actually the easier of the two to deal with.

Carina is always unhappy about something, she always throws a fit whenever she’s put down and always wakes up before her energy is full.

Toonces does not seem to be impressed by the lack of attention she’s been receiving lately.

Etsuko: “Now why did you invite me over?”

Etsuko: “MY SHIRT!!”

It doesn’t take long for them to become enemies.

Lilith invites over her next victim.

Who becomes enemy #3.

She them harasses Gunther Munch next, but he leaves before they can be enemies.

Carina and Corvus are both asleep, so Conrad does some fishing.

He manages to max the fishing skill…

Which means he’s done his aspiration! I can’t remember which one I gave him next.

I forgot to give the house lot traits until now, I have them written down as Private Dwelling, Vampire Nexus, Registered Vampire Lair, Gremlins, Quake Zone, and Gnomes…. But that’s one too many traits, I’m guessing the Gnomes one is wrong, but I’m not sure.

Anyways, that’s all for now, see you next time!

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